Discover your Passionate Purpose with your Ikigai

Step into your Most Fulfilling Work and Learn how to Synthesize your Passion, Profession, Mission, and Vocation

Course Summary

All of us seek to realize our greater purpose here. In this course, we share a simple, practical system, called the Ikigai, for aligning with our most satisfying work. This tool has been implemented in Japan for centuries and continues to be applied successfully for those seeking a career that both satisfies the soul's calling and brings abundance and meaning to one's life.

We use the Ikigai to affirm that what we are doing on a daily basis, gives us a "Reason for Being," the literal translation of Ikiagai.

In our course, you will be guided through a series of exercises, with a number of PDFs and worksheets, to first uncover 4 key areas for a satisfying career and for realizing your purpose. You will be guided to understand and explore what you love, what skills and talents you have, what you feel the world needs, and how you earn a living.

The Ikigai is a graphic—a series of connected circles that allows you to easily learn how to recognize the overlapping areas and differences of your Vocation, Profession, Mission, and Passion, and where you are primarily dominant and needing more balance.

We will also discuss Ikinomics - Where do your gifts fit in the Global Economy?

By the end of the course, you will clearly see your purpose and how to take the necessary steps to live it with inspiration and confidence
What you’ll learn

  • A practical and systematic way to discover and begin living your life purpose.
  • A Japanese cultural practice that helps one reveal the "reason for being."
  • The difference between your Mission, Vocation, Profession, and Passion, and what each are for you.
  • How to bring more joy and fulfillment in your life doing what you love and serving at a level which satisfies you and others.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
  • No, this is a beginner's course
Who this course is for?:
  • Those seeking their life purpose
  • Entrepreneurs looking for how to focus their business
  • Coaches who would like another inspiring tool to use with their clients
  • Those who want to discover their calling

Course Curriculum

VerDarLuz CelestiOwl

VerDarLuz is a Life and Business Coach, Astrologer, Intimacy Educator, international speaker, and multimedia artist. He has written two books on astrology and consciousness, Codex of the Soul and Aquarius Dawns. He continues to create online courses, while often traveling to facilitate classes and workshops which weave together his passions and crafts, including Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design, AstroLocality, dance, shamanic healing, and sacred relating. He coaches clients in 3-6 month transformational programs and trainings with the intention to empower and inspire clients’ creative life mission.

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