Signs of Health: An Introduction to Medical Astrology

Learn how the Astrological signs correspond to parts of the body, foods we eat each day, herbal remedies, and acute and chronic illnesses.

Course Summary

The Astrological signs are each associated with parts of the body, foods we eat each day, herbal remedies, and acute and chronic illnesses. In this time of collective health crisis, how can we take the utmost responsibility in our personal health to remain vital and strong — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

One of the oldest forms of astrology is Medical Astrology, which was developed in ancient Greece and was a fundamental area of study and contemplation during the Renaissance.

The Importance of Medical Astrology

Hippocrates, the father of medicine said, “A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.”

In India, Astrology and Ayurvedic medicine have been an unbroken, respected synthesis of study into both one’s soul and one’s health.
Unfortunately, Western science has lost its connection with Astrology’s innate wisdom to detect potential illness, help prevent it, and bring treatment to areas of challenge, as well as to understand Timing for crisis.

This class will help remedy this loss in the collective Western psyche, and empower students to engage with their health with more confidence and sovereignty.

In this 2.5 hour Intro to Medical Astrology class, you will learn:

    • -Key Areas of the birth chart to consider in the Astrology of Health
    • -What YOUR Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs denote about your health challenges and how you can strengthen these areas.
    • -How your 6th House affects your experience of health and illness
    • -The Body Parts associated with each sign
    • -Common ailments for each sign
    • -Herbs of association and balancing for each sign
    • -How to apply this information to empower your Family and Partner Relationships
    • -A focus on Foods and Nutrition for each Zodiac archetype

Course Curriculum

VerDarLuz CelestiOwl

VerDarLuz is a Life and Business Coach, Astrologer, Intimacy Educator, international speaker, and multimedia artist. He has written two books on astrology and consciousness, Codex of the Soul and Aquarius Dawns. He continues to create online courses, while often traveling to facilitate classes and workshops which weave together his passions and crafts, including Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design, AstroLocality, dance, shamanic healing, and sacred relating. He coaches clients in 3-6 month transformational programs and trainings with the intention to empower and inspire clients’ creative life mission.

Course Pricing

Signs of Health: An Introduction to Medical Astrol

$55 USD

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